A Brief History of West Hill Beach Club
Our club has a rich history. In 1929 the property was purchased by the Hartford Boy Scouts and was operated as a sailing camp (Camp Pioneer) by a division of the Boy Scouts known as the Sea Scouts. It was the Sea Scouts who built the distinctive white “ship” that commands the property today. In 1963, Allyn and Frances Bernard purchased the property (along with the property immediately adjacent on the south side) and formed the West Hill Beach Club, a casual social and recreational club. Eventually they passed the property down to their sons Andy & Rusty Bernard, who, within a few years, employed their sister Lyn Bernard Deloy and her husband Jeff to manage the club. The Deloy family successfully managed the club for 23 years, amassing grateful members who became life-long friends. Late in the season of 2005, the Bernard brothers announced they would be selling the club. Concerned members banded together and purchased the entity under the direction of a dedicated corps of volunteers who had the vision and tenacity to structure the deal: Henry and Carrie Withers, Martin and Robin Seifert, and Betsy Nichols. In addition, Nat Brinn worked to secure a loan for the purchase of the property and attorney Jay Weintraub devoted many hours to crafting the Bylaws and Certificate of Incorporation that guide the club today. The new West Hill Beach Club, Inc. was formed June 14, 2006 with 68 original members of the former club. It thrives today because of the enduring dedication of the Board of Directors and the helping hands of many members who continue to volunteer their time to preserve this timeless classic. Thanks to the passions of many, the West Hill Beach Club remains a rejuvenating getaway for seniors, singles, and families of all ages.